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- Babysitting and Whooping Cough
- Black Culture Shock
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- Cooking in Camps
- Country School
- Dealing with Prejudice in Edmonton
- Family Success
- Father
- From Provost to Edmonton
- Grandma, Diabetes, and Fire
- High School in Provost
- Learning to Cook — Oil Rigs
- Learning Tolerance
- Mother
- Racism at School
- Selling the Family Farm
- Siblings and Farming
- Slave Mentality
- Soul Food
Marjorie's father came from Barbados and served in the army in Africa. After being discharged from the army, he must have served on a whaling trip because he heard the HMS Titanic's distress call; the ship on which he was travelling was too far away to respond. After landing in Canada, he settled in Saskatoon. It was there that he met Marjorie's mother, whose family came from North Carolina to Canada by covered wagon and settled in Maidstone, Saskatchewan. After a life of farming, Marjorie's parents moved to North Battleford, Saskatchewan, and later to Vancouver, British Columbia.