Home | Multimedia Resources | Video Vignettes | Jack and Dwain Saunders | Becoming a Pastor

Dwain Saunders
- Becoming a Pastor
- Black in Calgary in the 1960s
- Black in the USA
- Grandma Brown
- High School Dropout
- Ministry in the Community
- Pool Hustler
- Prejudice in School
- Racism in Canada
- Whitehorse
Jack Saunders
Becoming a Pastor
When Dwain came back to Edmonton, he was looking for a church. One of his dear friends went with him to explore various churches and found one whose pastor spoke with such evangelistic fervor that Dwain was drawn in. He attended this church in the afternoon and attended the church at which his wife's uncle was a pastor in the morning. Although he never attended Bible college, Dwain knew from the moment he accepted the Lord into his life that he wanted to preach. He did active ministry for seven years and became a pastor, preaching to a cross-cultural and multiracial congregation.