Home | Multimedia Resources | Video Vignettes | Laurie Toth | School in Athabasca

- Abandoning Amber Valley
- Amber Valley Community Hall
- Baseball
- Centenary
- Church and Plants
- Church Holds the Community Together
- Early Settlers
- Family Band
- Family in Ontario
- Floral Business
- Her Father, the Farmer
- How her Parents Met
- Mother's Family
- Mother's Work
- Oldest of Siblings
- Prejudice
- School and Work History
- School in Athabasca
- Simple Life in Amber Valley
- Upbringing
School in Athabasca
Laurie attended junior high and high school in Athabasca. She and her siblings had more opportunity to learn. The difficult part was having to be bused; in inclement weather, children had to walk to the main road to catch the bus because the snow made the country roads impassable.