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This bibliography not only lists all the sources used in the creation of the Alberta's Black Pioneer Heritage Web site, but it also provides suggestions for further reading.
Athabasca University. “Honorary Doctorates – Convocation 2005.” (accessed July 25, 2007).
Author Unknown. “Dreams of Africa.” (accessed August 27, 2007).
———. “Hazel Proctor.” Canadian Concert Systems Newsletters. Retrieved from Window of Our Memories: Volume II, the New Generation. St. Albert, Alberta: Black Cultural Research Society of Alberta, 1990.
———. “History
of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.”
(accessed August 14, 2007).
———. “Show Takes Nostalgic Look at Vaudeville.” Calgary Herald, May 28, 1990.
———. “Virnetta Anderson.” (Family homepage) (accessed August 9, 2007).
———.“ Virnetta Anderson.” The Calgary Sun. (accessed August 9, 2007).
Akin, David. (Director). A Scattering of Seeds: Episode 45, A Farmer from Amber Valley, VHS. Toronto: White Pine Pictures, 2000.
Alberta Online Encyclopedia. “Jefferson Edwards.” (accessed July 2007).
———. “Junkins.” (accessed July 2007).
Alberta Sports Hall of Fame and Museum. “Jesse Jones.” (accessed July 26, 2007).
Alexander, Thomas. Interview by Junetta Jamerson. 2004.
Athabasca County Tourism. “Communities in the County of Athabasca.” (accessed August 2007).
Atkinson, Helen, “Bartlett – Moore – Bridges – Day – Bailey – Hooks.” (accessed August 2007).
Barrhead District Historical Society. Trails Northwest: a History of the District of Barrhead, Alberta. Barrhead, 1967.
Barrhead History Book Committee. The Golden Years. Barrhead, 1978.
Bailey, Mary. Interview in Velma Carter and Wanda Leffler Akili, The Windows of Our Memories. St. Albert, Alberta: Black Cultural Research Society of Alberta, 1981 (65-66).
——— and Willis Day. “The Baileys, Days, and Hardings.” The Breton and District Historical Society. The Ladder of Time: A history of Breton and District. Edmonton: Co-op Press, 1980.
Berrymoor/Carnwood Historical Society. Forests to Grainfields. Berrymoor, Alberta: 1977.
Boone, Buster. Interview in Velma Carter and Wanda Leffler Akili, The Windows of Our Memories. St. Albert, Alberta: Black Cultural Research Society of Alberta, 1981 (43-44).
Bowen, Boadie. Interview in Velma Carter and Wanda Leffler Akili, The Windows of Our Memories. St. Albert, Alberta: Black Cultural Research Society of Alberta, 1981 (22-24).
Boyle and District Historical Society. Forests, Furrows and Faith: A History of Boyle and Districts. Boyle, Alberta: Boyle and District Historical Society, c1982.
Briggs, John. “Baptist Origins.” (August 14, 2007).
Brightest Pebble Publishing Company Inc. “The Keystone Legacy: Recollections of a Black Settler by Gwen Hooks.” (accessed July 25, 2007).
Brown, Quenten. Interview by Junetta Jamerson, 2004.
Buckner, Mrs. Interview in Velma Carter and Wanda Leffler Akili, The Windows of Our Memories. St. Albert, Alberta: Black Cultural Research Society of Alberta, 1981 (37).
Calliste, Agnes. “Sleeping Car Porters in Canada: An Ethnically Submerged Split Labour Market.” Canadian Ethnic Studies, 19 (1987), 1–20.
Campbell, Linda. “Resume.” 2006.
Canadian Football Hall of Fame and Museum. “T. L. (Tom) Brook.” (accessed August 9, 2007).
Carter, LeVero. Interview by Junetta Jamerson. 2004.
———, Velma Leffler. “Velma Leffler Carter and Family.” Where the Lobstick River Flows. Wildwood, Alberta: Chip Lake Historical Society, 1987.
Chip Lake Historical Society. Where the Lobstick River Flows. Chip Lake, 1987.
CHQR AM 770. “ Stamps Headlines.” (accessed August 9, 2007).
Cline, Austin. “Baptist Christianity: Origins & Development of Baptist, Southern Baptist Beliefs.” (August 14, 2007).
Cobbs, E. A. “We are Born Optimists.” In Edmonton: In Our own Words, Linda Goyette and Carolina Jakeway Roemmich, 272–74. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2004.
Collins, Elnora (Proctor) and Pearl (Proctor) Brown. Interviewed in Carter, Velma and Leah Suzanne Carter. Window of Our Memories: Volume II, the New Generation. St. Albert, Alberta: Black Cultural Research Society of Alberta, 1990.
Dallard, Willa. “Mrs. Willa R. Dallard (Nee Bowen).” In Colinton & Districts: Yesterday and Today. Colinton, Alberta: Oxford University Press, 1980.
———. “Willis Bowen and his Family.” In Colinton & Districts: Yesterday and Today. Colinton, Alberta: Oxford University Press, 1980.
Day, Willis. “Willis Day.” The Breton and District Historical Society.The Ladder of Time: A history of Breton and District. Edmonton: Co-op Press, 1980.
——— and Mary Bailey. “The Baileys, Days, and Hardings.” The Breton and District Historical Society. The Ladder of Time: A history of Breton and District. Edmonton: Co-op Press, 1980.
Department of National Defence. “Wesleyan Church.” (accessed August 14, 2007).
Dinosaur Provincial Park. “Restoration of John Ware’s Cabin.” (accessed July 2007).
Edmonton Public Library. “Advertisement for Harlem Chicken Inn, Edmonton, 1944.” (accessed August 15, 2007).
Edwards, Romeo and Elnora. “Edwards, Jefferson D. and Martha (nee Murphy).” In Colinton & Districts: Yesterday and Today. Colinton, Alberta: Oxford University Press, 1980.
———, Ruby. “Edwards, Booker T. Washington and Ruby.” In Colinton & Districts: Yesterday and Today. Colinton, Alberta: Oxford University Press, 1980.
Emery, George. “The Negro Settlers of Amber Valley.” Master's Thesis (Draft). University of Alberta, 1970.
Foggo, Cheryl. “Andrew George Risby.” Globe and Mail, July 25 2004. (Accessed July 26, 2007).
———. “My home is over Jordan: Southern Alberta's Black pioneers.” Chinook County Historical Society, Eds. Remembering Chinook Country. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises, 2005.
———. Pourin’ Down Rain. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises, 1990.
Franklin, John Hope. “History of Racial Segregation in the United States,” in Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 304, Racial Desegregation and Integration (March) 1954: 5.
Gerrard, Mildred. “Rolla Ramsey Jr.” The Breton and District Historical Society. The Ladder of Time: A history of Breton and District. Edmonton: Co-op Press, 1980.
Grow, Stewart. "The Blacks of Amber Valley: Negro Pioneering in Northern Alberta." Canadian Ethnic Studies 6, nos. 1-2 (1974): 17-38.
Harper, Rosalind. Interview by Junetta Jamerson. 2004.
Harrell, Cassandra. “Soul Food History.” (accessed August 27, 2007).
Holmes, Ruth Ramsey. “Ramsey Family.” The Breton and District Historical Society. The Ladder of Time: A history of Breton and District. Edmonton: Co-op Press, 1980.
Hooks, Ellis. Interview in Velma Carter and Wanda Leffler Akili, The Windows of Our Memories. St. Albert, Alberta: Black Cultural Research Society of Alberta, 1981 (67-70).
———. Interview by Jennifer Kelly for the Alberta Labour History Institute. May, 2001. (accessed July 25, 2007).
———. The Keystone Legacy: Recollections of a Black Settler. Edmonton: Brightest Pebble Publishing Inc., 1997.
Humber, William. A Sporting Chance: Achievements of African-Canadian Athletes. Toronto: Natural Heritage Publishers, 2006.
Humphries, Rhianna. “African Methodist Episcopal (AME).” (accessed August 14, 2007).
Jamerson, Junetta. Interview for Izabella Orzelski-Konikowski, Bogdan Koral-Konikowski, and Susan Rogers. Alberta’s Unsung Heroines. Edmonton: Artiza Ltd., 2005.
———. “Performance Bio.”
———. “Resume.”
Jones, Jesse. Interview in Velma Carter and Wanda Leffler Akili, The Windows of Our Memories. St. Albert, Alberta: Black Cultural Research Society of Alberta, 1981 (53-55).
King, Emma. “The Allens.” The Breton and District Historical Society. The Ladder of Time: A History of Breton and District. Edmonton: Co-op Press, 1980.
———. “Charlie and Emma King.” The Breton and District Historical Society. The Ladder of Time: A history of Breton and District. Edmonton: Co-op Press, 1980.
———. “Charlie King Sr. Family.” The Breton and District Historical Society. The Ladder of Time: A history of Breton and District. Edmonton: Co-op Press, 1980.
Leffler, Ermon. “Ermon Albert Leffler Family.” Where the Lobstick River Flows. Wildwood, Alberta: Chip Lake Historical Society, 1987
———, Gladys. “Frank and Gladys Leffler.” Where the Lobstick River Flows. Wildwood, Alberta: Chip Lake Historical Society, 1987.
———, Jay. “Jay. A. Leffler Family.” Where the Lobstick River Flows. Wildwood, Alberta: Chip Lake Historical Society, 1987.
Lewis, Theresa (Sneed). “Ruby Evelyn (Proctor) Sneed – A Patchwork Quilt: Passing On a Dream.” In Carter, Velma and Leah Suzanne Carter. Window of Our Memories: Volume II, the New Generation. St. Albert, Alberta: Black Cultural Research Society of Alberta, 1990.
Longley, Neil, Todd Crosset, and Steve Jefferson. “The Migration of African Americans to the Canadian Football League During the 1950s: An Escape from Discrimination?” North American Association of Sports Economist, June 2007. (accessed August 9, 2007).
MacEwan, Grant. John Ware’s Cow Country. Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books, 1973.
———. The Sodbusters. Calgary: Fifth House Publishers, 2000.
Mantello, David. An Analysis of Working and Material Conditions of Slaves on the Pugh Sugar Plantations in Southern Louisiana, 1853–1865. Master's Thesis. University of Alberta, 2006.
Mapp, Lester. “Thomas and Misouri Mapp, Lester and Margaret Mapp.” In Forests, Furrows and Faith: A History of Boyle and Districts. Boyle, Alberta: Boyle and District Historical Society, c1982.
———, Margaret. “David Leander and Elvida Saunders.” In Forests, Furrows and Faith: A History of Boyle and Districts. Boyle, Alberta: Boyle and District Historical Society, c1982.
———, Thomas. Interview in Velma Carter and Wanda Leffler Akili, The Windows of Our Memories. St. Albert, Alberta: Black Cultural Research Society of Alberta, 1981 (22-24).
Mathieu, Sarah-Jane (Saje) Mathieu. "North of the colour line: Sleeping car porters and the battle against Jim Crow on Canadian railways, 1880-1920." Labour/Le travail (Spring 2001): 9-41.
Mayes, Milton. Interview in Velma Carter and Wanda Leffler Akili, The Windows of Our Memories. St. Albert, Alberta: Black Cultural Research Society of Alberta, 1981 (79-81).
McCoy, Heath. “Lively Crump Embodies New Gallery’s Spirit.” Calgary Herald. March 24, 2007. (accessed August 10, 2007).
Melton, Jimmy Robert. Amber Valley: A Black Enclave in Northern Alberta, Canada. Master's Thesis. California State University, 1994.
Miles, Mary Ann. Interview in Velma Carter and Wanda Leffler Akili, The Windows of Our Memories. St. Albert, Alberta: Black Cultural Research Society of Alberta, 1981 (75-76).
Montague, Mikell. “Fixing Obadiah Place.” (accessed August 2007).
Olver, Lynne. “Soul Food.” (accessed August 15, 2007).
Palmer, Howard. Patterns of Prejudice.Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, Ltd., 1982.
——— and Tamara Palmer. “The Black Experience in Alberta.” In Peoples of Alberta: Portraits of Cultural Diversity, eds. Howard and Tamara Palmer, 365-93. Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books, 1985.
———. “Urban Blacks in Alberta.”Alberta History 29 (3) (Summer, 1981): 8-18
Payne, Michael. The Settlement of Oklahoma Blacks in Western Canada.
Payne, Tony Jr. “The Paynes.” Where the Lobstick River Flows. Wildwood, Alberta: Chip Lake Historical Society, 1987
——— and Georgiana Payne Buckner. “Dan and Virginia Hayes.” Where the Lobstick River Flows. Wildwood, Alberta: Chip Lake Historical Society, 1987
Penner, Peter. “In Memory of Virnetta Anderson, 1995 Integrity Award Winner.” The Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Calgary South 51 (29). February 2006. (accessed August 9, 2007).
Perry, Agnes Leffler. “Agnes and Bishop Perry.” Where the Lobstick River Flows. Wildwood, Alberta: Chip Lake Historical Society, 1987.
———. “George and Junetta Leffler.” Where the Lobstick River Flows. Wildwood, Alberta: Chip Lake Historical Society, 1987.
———. “Georgia Margaret Leffler.” Where the Lobstick River Flows. Wildwood, Alberta: Chip Lake Historical Society, 1987.
———. Interview in Velma Carter and Wanda Leffler Akili, The Windows of Our Memories. St. Albert, Alberta: Black Cultural Research Society of Alberta, 1981 (28-29).
Proctor, Addie and Frank Proctor. “History of Ross and Proctor Clans.” The Breton and District Historical Society. The Ladder of Time: A history of Breton and District. Edmonton: Co-op Press, 1980.
Proctor, Hazel. “Bio Notes: Bertrand B. Proctor.” 1990.
———. “The Proctors.” In Carter, Velma and Leah Suzanne Carter. Window of Our Memories: Volume II, the New Generation. St. Albert, Alberta: Black Cultural Research Society of Alberta, 1990.
Ross, Steve. “Ross Family.” The Breton and District Historical Society. The Ladder of Time: A history of Breton and District. Edmonton: Co-op Press, 1980.
Selwyn, Jacob (Director). The Road Taken, VHS. Montreal: National Film Board of Canada, 1996.
Semple, Neil. The Lord’s Dominion: The History of Canadian Methodism. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1996.
Shepard, Robert Bruce. Black Migration as a Response to Repression: The Background Factors and Migration of Oklahoma Blacks to Western Canada 1905–1912, as a Case Study. Master's Thesis. University of Saskatchewan, 1976.
Singh, Judy. Interview by Junetta Jamerson. 2004.
Smith, Rufus Warren. Interview in Velma Carter and Wanda Leffler Akili, The Windows of Our Memories. St. Albert, Alberta: Black Cultural Research Society of Alberta, 1981 (70-73).
Smith, William. Interview in Velma Carter and Wanda Leffler Akili, The Windows of Our Memories. St. Albert, Alberta: Black Cultural Research Society of Alberta, 1981 (57-58).
Tanner, Michael. “A Brief History of Anthem, Spiritual, and Gospel Music from Early Slavery to Mid Twentieth Century.” (accessed August 14, 2007).
Templeman, Kelly. “National Baptist Convention, USA.” (accessed August 14, 2007).
The African American Registry. “‘Soul Food’: A Brief History!” (accessed August 27, 2007).
The Breton and District Historical Society. The Ladder of Time: A history of Breton and District. Edmonton: Co-op Press, 1980.
The Canadian Encyclopedia. “Holiness Churches.” (accessed August 27, 2007).
The Glenbow Museum. “The Mavericks Exhibit: John Ware.” (accessed July 23, 2007).
———. “The Mavericks Exhibit: Melvin Crump.” (accessed August 10, 2007).
The Spiritual Workshop. “Negro Spirituals.” (accessed August 14, 2007).
University of Minnesota Library. “Kautz Family Archives: Milestones in the History of African Americans and the YMCA.” (accessed July 26, 2007).
Whalen, Nellie. “Floyd Hayes.” The Breton and District Historical Society. The Ladder of Time: A history of Breton and District. Edmonton: Co-op Press, 1980.
Where the Lobstick River Flows. Wildwood, Alberta: Chip Lake Historical Society, 1987.
Winks, Robin W. The Blacks in Canada: A History. London: Yale University Press, 1971.