Carlo and Lina (nee D'Aquino) were born in Naples, in the Italian region of Campania, and were part of the post-war era of
immigration. Carlo had a technical engineering education in Italy, and formal education in real estate appraisal in Canada. He is currently a consultant with Amodio & Associates.
Lina got a diploma in language studies in Naples. She teaches Italian language classes at the Dante Alighieri School, teaches Italian cooking classes, and also works for
Congresso newspaper.
The Amodio Family Photo Album

They are both very involved in
Edmonton's Italian community. Carlo is the current president of the National Congress of Italians in Canada, Edmonton District, as well as the general manager of the
Il Congresso newspaper. He was on the Alberta
Heritage Council and helped found the Heritage Days
Festival. He was involved with the founding of the Appennini Dancers and
both he and Lina were involved with a drama production of Teatro Libero
called Natale in Casa Cupiello.
The interview was conducted by Adriana Albi Davies, Executive Director,
Ph.D.; David Ridley, Director of Research and Learning; and Cindy Ewanus, Web Researcher, Heritage Community Foundation on June 18, 2002, as part of the
Celebrating Edmonton's Italian Community Oral History Project, funded by the Edmonton Community Lottery Board.
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