Mr. Roncucci was born in 1922 in Aschino, Siena, Italy and emigrated to Canada in 1958
with his wife Elena and daughter Tina. He has been active as a volunteer in the Italian community of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and internationally and has been instrumental in the establishment of key community organizations including the
Societa Dante Alighieri, which runs the Scuola di Lingua e Cultura Italiana (the Italian Language and Culture School), the Edmonton Folk Arts Council, the Edmonton Heritage Festival, the Junior Appennini Dancers. He has worked as a designer and tailor and as an instructor for the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (N.A.I.T.), Edmonton. He has received many awards including honours from the Italian government and civic, provincial and federal Canadian governments.
The Roncucci Family Photo Album

The interview was conducted by Adriana Albi Davies,
Ph.D., Executive Director, and David Ridley, Director of Research and Learning, Heritage Community Foundation on June 27th, 2002, as a part of the
Celebrating Edmonton's Italian Community Oral History
Project, funded by the Edmonton Community Lottery Board.
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