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Officers of the Legislature

Officers of the Legislature act as "watchdogs" of government activities.  Their job is to ensure accountability and fair practices within government.

In Alberta, there are five Officers who are independent of government.  These five officers are the Auditor General, Chief Electoral Officer, Ethics Commissioner, Information and Privacy Commissioner, and the Ombudsman.

Each officer has an office and staff to oversee and manage the functions of their respective areas.  Funded by the Legislature, the Officers provide an independent review of government activities on behalf of the citizens of the Province.

For example, the Chief Electoral Officer oversees the election process.  The Auditor General audits the financial affairs of government and reports audit findings publicly.  The Ombudsman reviews how government administers programs, while the Information and Privacy Commissioner watches how government collects, uses, and discloses personal information.  The Ethics Commissioner ensures conflicts of interest are avoided by Members of the Legislative Assembly.

To maintain independence and neutrality, the Officers of the Legislature are appointed on the recommendation of the Legislative Assembly, the body that represents all elected members.  Their budgets and reports are reviewed and approved by the Legislative Assembly.  Detailed information regarding the roles and responsibilities of each Legislative Officer follows.


Reprinted from Officers of the Legislature with permission from the Office of the Chief Electoral Officer.

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