Odds are, if you ask
the average Albertan how policy is made, they won't be able to tell
you much about it.
The policy-making process is not by any
means kept secret from the public, and yet few people really know
what and who makes it work. It's not uncommon for people across
Canada to be confused about the policy-making process. Oftentimes policy
doesn't receive much media attention.
Policy that may be considered controversial or especially important
to Albertans is usually covered by the media, and is something you
might see on the six o'clock news!
government policy can be initiated from many sources (the general
public, interest groups, industry, etc.) and it must be approved and
sponsored by a Minister and researched by his/her department. The
Minister will take the proposed policy to the Agenda and Priorities
Committee which directs the item to one of the six Standing Policy
Committees. The Standing Policy Committee studies the policy in
detail, and its recommendation is sent to Cabinet and caucus for
final approval.