Every Bill has a number, and the number tells you what kind of Bill is being introduced. Bills
numbered 1 to 200 are government Bills; that is, the Premier and cabinet have already
approved them and support their passage. Government Bills are often, but not
always, sponsored by a cabinet minister. Sometimes the sponsor of a government Bill will say, "This
being a money Bill, His/Her Honour the Honourable the Lieutenant
Governor, having been
informed of the contents of the Bill, recommends the same to the Assembly." This means
that the Bill, if passed, will require the government to spend tax dollars. In parliamentary
history, the monarch had to ask Parliament to raise money to fight wars; today the strange
wording of this passage means that the monarch, through the Lieutenant Governor, is asking
the Legislature to provide money to do the job specified in the Bill.
Bills numbered 201 and above are private
members' public Bills. Like government Bills, these Bills would
affect all Albertans if passed. An opposition member or a private member from the governing
party may sponsor these Bills, but never a cabinet minister.
Bills numbered with a "Pr" prefix indicate a private Bill. Private Bills affect the
person(s) or group(s) named in them. These Bills are used for certain types of adoptions or to create a
foundation or school, for example.