in "Committee of the Whole" means the whole Assembly, so
this committee is comprised of all the Members of the Legislative
Assembly, and they meet in this form for the sole purpose of
studying Bills in detail. If you watch the members in
committee, you'll notice that "Mr. Chairman," rather than
the Speaker, oversees the debate and that the Mace is on its
brackets under the table rather than sitting on the top of the
table. Both of these changes signify that the Assembly is in
Committee of the Whole, members may want changes to any or all
parts of the Bill. Occasionally, even the minister sponsoring
a government Bill introduces an amendment at committee stage,
perhaps because the wording was not quite right or someone has
pointed out an undesirable consequence of one of the clauses.
When the members have finished committee study, they report the
Bill to the Assembly along with its amendments. This is a
formal procedure signifying that the Bill is now ready for final
debate at third reading.