Province of Alberta was formerly part of a much larger political
jurisdiction called the North-West Territories. Until 1897, the
North-West Territories was governed by a Lieutenant-Governor with the
assistance of an appointed Council or elected Legislative Assembly.
Although some of these Lieutenant-Governors appointed an Advisory
Council or Assembly, there was no full-fledged Executive Council (Cabinet) or President of Executive Council (Premier).
In 1897,
the North-West Territories Act was amended to provide for an
Executive Council and, consequently, the first and only Premier of
the North-West Territories, Frederick W.A.G. Haultain , was appointed
by the Lieutenant-Governor. He served in that capacity from
1897 to 1905.
September 1, 1905, the Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan were
formed out of the North-West Territories. Once again, the related
legislation ( Alberta Act and Saskatchewan Act )
provided for the appointment of an Executive Council and,
consequently, a Premier.