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Byfield, Ted. The Great West Before 1900. Edmonton: United Western Communications, 1991.

Champagne, Juliette Marthe. De la Bretagne aux plaines de l'Ouest canadien: lettres d'un défricheur franco-albertain, Alexander Mahé (1880-1968). Quebec: Les Presses de l'Université Laval, 2003.

Dion, Joseph et al. Du Passé au Present and Past—St. Paul, St. Edouard, Alberta, 1896—1990. St. Paul: Société du Livre Historique de St. Paul Historical Society, 1990.

Francophone Diversity: National Profile. "Canada, a Proud Participant in the Francophonie." Government of Canada. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/francophone/canada/diversity.html (visité le 20 novembre 2004).

Civilization.ca. "The Fur Trade in New France: Les Coureurs des Bois." http://www.civilization.ca/vmnf/popul/coureurs/index-en.htm (visité le 20 novembre 2004).

Laroque, Nellie. Métis "Scrip: history: Buffalo trails and tales" Extrait de Métis Culture and Heritage Resource Centre. http://www.metisresourcecentre.mb.ca/history/mscrip.htm (visité le 20 novembre 2004).

Legal, Émile J. Short Sketches of the History of the Catholic Churches and Missions in Central Alberta. Winnipeg: West Canada Publishing, 1914.

Morcos, Gamila. Dictionnaire des artistes et des auteurs francophones de l'Ouest canadien. Sainte Foy: Les Presses de l'Université Laval et la Faculté Saint Jean, 1998.

Smith, Donald B. "A History of French Speaking Albertans." In Peoples of Alberta: Portraits of Cultural Diversity, eds. Howard Palmer and Tamara Palmer, 84-108. Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books, 1985.

Société du Livre Historique de St. Paul Historical Book Society. Du passé au present and present: St. Paul—St. Edouard Alberta 1896-1990 . Edmonton: Friesen Printers, 1990.

Culture, Heritage and Recreation: Government-Wide Programs and Services. "Tools for Educators." Government of Canada. http://www.culturecanada.gc.ca/mainfeature_e.cfm (visité le 20 novembre, 2004).

Tough, Frank (Principle Investigator.) " Scrip: Métis Aboriginal Title Matrix Research Project" ( Edmonton: University of Alberta School of Native Studies). http://www.ualberta.ca/NATIVESTUDIES (visité le 20 novembre 2004).

Wade, Mason. The French Canadians: 1760-1967. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1968.

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