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Alberta Online Encyclopedia

Early Industry

It was the rich resources of the Peace River country that attracted the early settlers and the many that came later. As the Peace River country was so isolated they would use the local resources to fulfill their own needs and build their communities. There was no opportunity to ship freight from the Peace River country until 1915, the year that the railroad was built.

The forests were obvious resources for those who arrived in the Peace River. The forest provided building materials, firewood, and opportunities to earn money by cutting and selling the wood to local buyers.

The lure of mining attracted prospectors searching for gold but who found other resources like copper and coal that became useful in the local economy.

Others found that they had to grind their own grain and build their own creameries as the local agricultural produce had to be milled or prepared for use.

There were limited supplies of equipment for farming, and local entrepreneurs provided blacksmith and repair services for their communities.

Many local businesses were successful as the settlers of the Peace River country had to find and make what they needed locally or do without.

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            For more on the Peace River region of Alberta, visit Peel’s Prairie Provinces.
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