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Aboriginal Youth Identity Series: Spirituality and CreationLessonTeacher Resources
teacher zonegrade 1grade 3grade 5grade 7grade 10-12

Generalization & Rationale


Teacher Information

Main Lesson


Lesson 1 - Teacher Information

There are many stories that can be shared within the classroom, while still understanding that there are stories that will remain with the Elder until they deem it is time for them to be shared. The creation stories come from different nations and only some of them are shared. There are very sacred teachings around the origin of Aboriginal Peoples and this is woven into an understanding of language source. However there are still many stories and teachings around creation that are shared. This lesson plan explores the sharing stories and the responsibility of storytelling.

Many stories are taught by Elders and this unit will cover how a young person can learn the protocol of visiting an Elder and from there learn the stories that are to be shared within any particular community. It is understood that each community will have unique stories and perspectives to this learning. This unit will also include the times of pre-contact and contact and the impact of this process on traditional teachings and storytelling. These lessons are all linked and lead to a culminating activity.

The following resources will supplement the teachers understanding of the lesson and material presented

  • Why the Rabbit Turns White

Stories from the Seventh Fire Series available from ACCESS and on the Authorized Resources List from Alberta Learning

  • Stories from the Elders and relatives from within the community as supporting the oral traditions of that community
  • Olive Dickason's works on First Nations History

The lesson allows students to experience first hand the process of learning from the Elders within their own communities.

The assignment is to meet with an Elder within the community to learn either a creation story or a story that the Elder is willing to share. These lessons are designed for presentation through an electronic medium. The problem is written in bold type and then the italicized portions outline what would be included in a digital format. However teachers can read scenes allowed to the class and then have the class begin parallel activities.

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