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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia

Read the Heritage Trails transcripts:

125 - Alberta Treaties Overview, Part One
Summary:Find out what historians think treaties meant to the government and the First Nations who negotiated them. Begin your study of treatymaking here!

Members of the Blackfoot Confederacy130 - Treaties Part Two, The Terms, Treaties 1, 2, 3
Summary:What were the early treaties like? Historian Michael Payne explains.

135 - Treaties Part Three, Treaty 6
Summary: While Treaty 4 was the first to affect an area in what is now Alberta, Treaty 6 had a much greater impact. Listen to find out more!

Crowfoot speaking at the Treaty 7 negotiations140 - Treaties Part Four, Treaty 7
Summary: Treaty 7 covers most of southern Alberta and was very controversial at the time. Listen to hear more.

144 - Treaties Part Five, Treaty 7, Crowfoot and Red Crow
Summary: Crowfoot and Red Crow. How did these important leaders affect the Treaty 7 negotiations? Listen to hear their story.

145 - Treaties Part Six, Treaty 7, Crowfoot and Red Crow
Summary: Find out more about the fascinating man who was Red Crow, chief of the Kinai, and his position on the signing of Treaty 7.

Treaty 8 House155 - Treaty 8 Part One
Summary: After Treaty 7, the government had secured all the land it considered valuable... until a century later when gold was discovered in the Klondike.

160 - Treaty 8 Part Two: Finding Leaders and Electing Chiefs
Summary: The First Nations people of Northern Alberta did not have chiefs. How then did the government expect to negotiate treaty? Listen to find out!

165 - Treaty 8 Part Three: Early Dissension Among the Natives
Summary: The Treaty was agreed to, but under pressure from the Government and an unexpected group. Listen to hear more.

Plaque from Treaty 8 Cairn - treaty details as described by the Elders170 - Treaty 8 Part Four: The Negotiation
Summary: The signing of Treaty 8 on the shores of Lesser Slave Lake drew dignitaries from government, church and First Nations. What were the benefits to the clergy? Listen to find out.

175 - Treaty 8 Part Five: The Terms
Summary: The treaty was not unanimously incorporated...find out what happened!

Metis Scrip179 - Treaty 8 Part Six: Scrip
Summary:The Métis make a strategic mistake. Listen to hear.

180 - Treaty 8 Part Seven: Treaty Commission of 1899 and 1900
Summary: Commissioners were sent out to meet with the natives who couldn't make it to the negotiations. What happened next?

185 - Treaty 8 Part Eight: Finale
Summary: How did the First Nations people who signed the treaty select their reserve land? What about the Métis?

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            For more on the Aboriginal history of Alberta, visit Peel’s Prairie Provinces.