Aboriginal Place NamesRead the Heritage Trails transcripts:
24 - Naming the Peace River
Summary:The Peace River is one of the longest in Canada - but how did it get it's name? Historian Merrily Aubrey discusses.
29 - Naming Fort Chipewyan
Summary:Historian Merrily Aubrey relates the history of this community - and where it's name came from!
62- Naming Medicine Hat
Summary: Naming Medicine Hat. Which story is the one that gave the southern Alberta town of Medicine Hat it's name?
71 -Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump
Summary:Listen to hear the legend of the naming of this United Nations world heritage site.
171 -Akamina Pass and South Kootenay Pass
Summary: Akamina Pass' name is descriptive of the area's appearance. What does "akamina" mean?
172 -Athabasca Pass
Summary:This amazing pass takes it's name from the nearby natural features in the Rocky Mountains, between Alberta and British Columbia.
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