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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia

First Nations and Métis Images

  1. Assiniboine Nation
  2. Beaver Nation
  3. Cairn at the mass grave of Beaver Indians
  4. Mass grave of Beaver Indians
  5. Big Bear, Cree Chief, 1885
  6. Big Bear, Cree Chief, 1886
  7. Big Bear and Poundmaker, Cree Chiefs, 1886
  8. Big Bear and Poundmaker, Cree Chiefs, 1886
  9. Meeting of Blackfoot Confederacy chiefs
  10. Group of Blackfoot Women
  11. Blood Nation
  12. A Homesteader's Cabin at the Heart River Settlement
  13. CPR Train
  14. Cree woman
  15. Drawing of Chief Crowfoot, Blackfoot Nation
  16. Portrait of Chief Crowfoot, Blackfoot Nation
  17. Portrait of Chief Crowfoot, Blackfoot Nation, and other First Nation Chiefs
  18. Portrait of Chief Crowfoot and family, Blackfoot Nation
  19. Blackfoot boys
  20. First Nations Dancers
  21. Fort Chipewyan
  22. Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump
  23. Homestead at the Heart River Settlement
  24. Homestead at The Heart River Settlement
  25. Homestead at the Heart River Settlement
  26. Heart River Settlement
  27. Heart River Settlement
  28. Horsechild, Son of Big Bear
  29. A Building at the Heart River Métis Settlement
  30. Heart River Métis Settlement
  31. Heart River Métis Settlement
  32. Saint Michael's Church at the Heart River Métis Settlement
  33. Store at the Heart River Settlement
  34. Kootenay girl
  35. Métis Family
  36. Métis family at Fort Chipewyan
  37. Peace River
  38. Peace River Valley
  39. The Peace and Smoky Rivers
  40. Crow Eagle, North Peigan.
  41. Peigan men inside lodge
  42. Portrait of Chief Poundmaker, Cree Nation
  43. Chief Poundmaker, Cree Nation, and journalists
  44. Chief Red Crow, Blood Nation
  45. Chief Red Crow, Blood Indian Agent, Blood Nation chiefs
  46. Chief Red Crow, and men from the Blackfoot Confederacy
  47. Chief Red Crow, and other Blackfoot in Ottawa
  48. Métis Scrip
  49. Horse-drawn travois.
  50. Painting of the Treaty 7 meeting
  51. Plaque of Treaty 8 Cairn
  52. Treaty 8 House
  53. Treaty Commission Trail
  54. Treaty Commission Trail
  55. Treaty Payment day.
  56. Treaty 8 Cairn
  57. View of the Heart River Métis Settlement
  58. View of the Heart River Métis Settlement
  59. White Headed Chief

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