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Alberta Online Encyclopedia

Adam Matthews (Matteus)

Adam Matteus homesteaded in the Medicine Valley area during the early 1900s. The family developed several innovations, including a blow torch, and built violins. Adam Matthews (Matteus) was born in Voru, Estonia and spent much of his early years working the fields for his baronial master. When he was 21 he married Anna Sonnotar of Estonia. They had three children: August, Elmer and Herbert.

With political and economic uncertainty in Estonia, Adam's family boarded a cattle liner for Canada. Accommodations were dreadful, and food was barely subsistent; however, the Matteus family remained optimistic. They crossed Canada's expanse by train and arrived in Red Deer. From there they made their way in an ox cart to Henry Kingsep's homestead where they spent the winter. In the spring Adam purchased a homestead in the Medicine River district. Together the family built a cabin, dug a root cellar and planted a garden. Adam made three trips on foot to Red Deer-40 miles each way-each time bringing back flour, prunes and mail from Estonia.

As time passed, the family expanded and so did the farm. Adam purchased a quarter section of land; the Medicine River carved its way through the property. The family built a three-room house on the banks of the Medicine River. Adam passed away in Eckville at the age of 77.

Alberta's Estonian Heritage
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            For more on Estonian Alberta, visit Peel’s Prairie Provinces.

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