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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia

Carole Erdman Grant

Carole Erdman Grant is the daughter of Victor and Hilda Erdman. Carole's siblings include Alvin, Glenda and David. She was raised on her parents' farm near Barons.

Carole married Barrie Grant and the two of them have spent the last 17 years sailing throughout the world. Travelling along the Pacific Coast the Erdmans spent considerable time in San Francisco and San Diego, California. Barrie worked as an electronics installer for yachts applying his experience as a marine engineer. Two years later they ventured south until they arrived in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. They dropped anchor and enjoyed the tropical scenery before they headed further south towards Panama. Their goal was to travel through the Panama Canal and make their way towards Europe.

In Puerto Vallarta Barrie participated in numerous yacht races while Carole tended to the ship making the necessary canvas and sail repairs. The Erdmans ended up staying in Puerto Vallarta for eight months while Carole reupholstered other boats and Barrie repaired engines. Carole and Barrie remained in Mexico for ten years before a vacation landed them in England in the summer of 2005.

Barrie aspired to become a production manager for a car manufacturer; however, when the deal fell through the Erdmans needed to find other work promptly. They became professional house sitters across England taking care of homes and pets while the owners were away.

Carole and Barrie have two children, Kelly and Cameron. Kelly completed her degree in International Business and works in Calgary, Alberta. She is married and has two children. Cameron completed a Master of Business Adminstration from Queen's University. He lives in Edmonton with his wife and three children.

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