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Alberta Online Encyclopedia

Gerhard (Gert) Lukk

Gert shown receiving the Alberta Men\'s Singles Tennis Championship Trophy, 1958 Gert Lukk won the provincial men's singles tennis championship in 1958. He is also a four-time doubles champion capturing first place in 1958, 1960, 1962 and 1963. Gert dominated the men's tennis scene in Calgary claiming the top spot five years in a row, from 1959 to 1964. He and his wife Greta won numerous local mixed doubles tournaments in addition to his accolades as a singles player. Gert was a member of the Calgary tennis Club and Glencoe Tennis Club.

Gert grew up in a family deeply involved in the sport of tennis. He started swinging a racquet by the age of ten and soon developed a passion for the game. Growing up, Gert was inspired by the success of Kristjan Lasn, an 8-time tennis champion in Estonia.

Gert was Alberta\'s tennis Champion in men\'s singles event in 1958. He and his wife Greta pictured in their home in Calgary, 2008. The events of the Second World War propelled Gert to leave Estonia and relocate in Germany. He immigrated to Canada in 1948. His love for tennis was reinvigorated when he won the intercollegiate men's singles championship in 1951 and 1953 while attending the University of Toronto. He later became a geophysicist/seismologist while living in Calgary and Australia.

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