Nellie McClung, "Speaking of Women," Maclean’s
May 1916.
Now even in the matter of homesteads women are not
allowed free land unless they are widows with the care of
minor children; although any man who is of the age of
eighteen may have one hundred and sixty acres on payment of
ten dollars, and the performance of certain duties. The
alleged reason for this discrimination is that women cannot
perform the required duties and so, to save them from the
temptation of trying, the Government in its fatherly wisdom
denies them the chance.
But women are doing homestead duties wherever homestead
duties are being done. Women suffer the hardships—cold,
hunger, loneliness—against which there is no law; and, when
the homestead is "proved," all the scrub cleared, and the
land broken, the husband may sell the whole thing without
his wife's knowledge, and he can take the money and depart,
without a word. Against this there is no law wither!
No person objects to the homesteader's wife having to get
out wood, or break up scrub land, or drive oxen, so long as
she is not doing these things for herself and has no legal
claim on the result of her labor. Working for someone else
is very sweet and womanly, and most commendable. What a neat
blending there is of kindness and cruelty in the complacent
utterances of the armchair philosophers who tell us that
women have not the physical strength to do the hard tasks of
life and therefore should not be allowed to vote! Kindness
and cruelty have never blended well, though clever people
have tried to bring it about.
Little Harry had a birthday party one day, and as part of
the entertainment he proudly exhibited a fine family of
young puppies, who occupied a corner of the barn. One of his
little guests seemed to be greatly attracted by the smallest
puppy. He carried about in his arms and appeared to lavish
great affection on it! At last, he took it into the house,
and interviewed Harry's mother. "Oh, Mrs. Brown," he said,
"this little puppy is smaller than any of the others—and
Harry says it will never grow to be a fire big dog—and maybe
it is sick—and it is a dear sweet pet—and please may we
drown it!"
I saw a letter last week which was written to the
Sunshine Editor of one of our papers, from a woman on the
homestead. She asked if a pair of boots could be sent to
her, for she had to get out all the wood from the bush. Her
husband had gone to work in the mines in B.C. She expressed
her gratitude for the help she had received from Sunshine
before, and voiced the hope that when "she got things going"
she would be able to show her gratitude by helping someone
else. There was no word of complaint. And this brave woman
is typical of many. Whether able or not able, women are out
in the world, meeting its conditions, bearing its
conditions, fighting their own battles, and always under a
Now the question is, what are we going to do about it?
One way, pursued by many, is to turn blind eyes to
conditions as they are, and "haver" away about how frail and
sweet women are; and that what they need is greater
dependence. This babble of marriage and home for every woman
sounds soothing, but does not seem to lead anywhere. Before
the war, there were a million and a half more women than men
in the Old Country alone—what will the proportion be when
the war, with its fearful destruction of men, is over? One
would think, to read the vaporings which pass as articles on
the suffrage question, that good husbands will be supplied
upon request, if you would only write your name and address
plainly and enclose a stamped envelope.
It is certainly true that the old avenues of labor have
been closed to women. The introduction of machinery has done
this, for now the work is done in factories, which formerly
was done by hand labor. Women have not deserted their work,
but the work has been taken from them. Sometimes it is said
that women are trying to usurp men's place in the world; and
if they were, it would be merely an act of retaliation, for
men have already usurped women' sphere. We have men cooks,
milliners, hairdressers, dressmakers, laundrymen—yes, men
have invaded women's sphere. It is inevitable and cannot be
changed by words of protest. People do well to accept the
inevitable. |