Many of the arguments against granting women the vote were
based upon the Separation of Spheres doctrine—the belief
that the public sphere was the rightful domain of men, and
the private sphere, or home, was the appropriate domain of
women. On the other hand, many of the arguments for giving
women the vote were based on the belief that women were
morally superior to men, and giving them the vote would
result in an ideal world.
The following are some of the arguments raised against
giving women the vote:
- A woman's place is in the home
- Politics are too corrupt for women
- Allowing women to vote will disrupt the home
- Women would vote with their husbands, so giving
married women the vote would merely double the vote of married men
- Women would not vote if they had the privilege
- Women would vote too much
- Women can do more by indirect influence than by the ballot
- It is not "womanly" to
express one's opinion in a straightforward fashion
- Women are too sentimental to vote
- Granting women the vote would give immigrant women the vote, increasing
the uneducated vote.

Some of the arguments for giving women the vote were:
- Women deserved the right to vote on the basis of their
common humanity
- Women would vote for family-friendly legislation, such as:
- Prohibition
- Equal Wages
- Protection for women and children (Dower and Inheritance Laws)
- Equal custody
- Health care and education reform
- Would vote against war