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Water Pipe (Patent No: 125379)

Inventor: Alton, Daniel

Location: Strathcona

Comments: City Commissioner for Streets and Scavanging 1913, CEA

Description: Daniel Alton, Strathcona, Alberta, Canada, 26th April, 1910; 6 years. Filed 14th June, 1909. Receipt No. 171,355.

Claim.—1. The process of producing a water pipe which consists in initially diping a wire wound wooden pipe in an asphalt composition, winding a strip of flexible material around the dipped pipe, dipping the pipe a second time in the asphalt composition, and finally rolling the pipe in sawdust, as and for the purpose specified.

2. A wire wound wooden water pipe having an initial coating of asphalt, a thickness of burlap around the asphalt, a coating of asphalt around the burlap, and a final coating of sawdust, as and for the purpose specified.


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