Durocher, Georges
Georges was born on August 31, 1923. His parents were teachers in the surrounding area of his native village, a parish whose majority was French-Canadian. He came from a closely knit family where there was a great deal of love and affection for the children and where prayer was important. At 13 years of age, Georges attended the Juniorat St. Jean in Edmonton and in 1942, he terminated his Rhetoric and continued his studies at the Oblate Scholasticate in Lebret, Saskatchewan.
Georges was ordained on January 30, 1949. He was the first priest from Bonnyville and was ordained by the first bishop of the diocese. Georges' first obedience was for College St. Jean where he taught. During the summers, he studied at Ottawa, Seatttle and Quebec. He obtained his teaching credentials and his Masters' in Librarianship. He spent all of his life at the College St.
Georges was kind, avoided tumultuous discussions and animated debates. He enjoyed challenging board games such as bridge as well as sports such as hockey. He had a great respect and discretion for the people he was associated with. His love for his family was deep and constant.
Georges died on July 4, 1994. His death was almost un-noticed in the press. In a way, it was an echo of his life. He is buried in the Oblate cemetery in St. Albert.
Reprinted with the permission of France Levasseur-Ouimet, PhD, from Levate Oculos: En Hommage aux Pères et aux Frères Oblats de Marie-Immaculée de Saint-Jean 1908-2008 [Raise Up Our Eyes: An Homage to the Fathers and Brothers of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate of Saint-Jean, 1908-2008], unpublished manuscript, 2008. Photos are reprinted with the permission of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Grandin Province.
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This project has been supported in part by the Canada-Alberta Agreement on French-language Services; the opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the Governments of Canada or Alberta.
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Institut pour le Patrimoine, Campus Saint-Jean, University of Alberta
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