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R.F. Antoine Kowalczyk, OMI, [1910-1912]. (OB3116 - Oblate Collection at the PAA)Kowalczyk, Antoni (1897-1947)

Brother Anthony, as he is known in Canada, originally apprenticed as a blacksmith, then worked at a military arsenal in Germany before deciding ra enter the noviciate at St. Gerlach (Houthem) Holland, on Ocraber 1, 1891, where he professed his vows on Ocraber 2, 1892. He professed his perpetuai vows at St. Albert, Alberta, on January 17, 1899.

At first, the brother worked at the juniorate in St. Charles ofWalkenburg, Holland (1892-1896), and then received his obedience for SoumAfrica, which was changed at the last moment for Canada. He went first ra Lacla-Biche, Alberta (1896-1897), and then worked at the construction of an Indian school at Saddle Lake, Alberta, where, following a serious accident on July 15,1897, he had ra have an arm amputated.

Brother was men posted to the mission at Saint-Paul, Alberta (1897-1911), and then was sent ra the Saint-Jean Juniorate in Edmonton (1911-1947), and fulfilled the functions of mechanic, driver, porter and gardener.

Brother Anthony's great devotion to me Virgin Mary earned him me nickname Bromer Ave; me cause for his beatification has been introduced in Rome. He is buried in the Oblate cemetery in St. Albert.

Almough he has been dead for more than half a century Brother Anthony is no less present among us. Neither his name, nor his memory, has faded from me hearts of thousands of people who pray on his grave at St. Albert.

Brother Anthony Kowalczyk lived a life entirely consecrated ra God; that is, he dedicated more than half a century of unselfish and generous service to help the students, with whom he spent nearly forry years of his life, and to help all those who asked for advice and assistance in me difficult moments of their lives.

We must acknowledge that Brother Anmony was a very humble man. Never did he hint that a favor obtained was the object of his holiness, but ramer of the love and goodness of me Lord by me intercession of Mary. His life was a living witness of obedience, respect, humility, devotion, confidence, charity and a warm welcome ravail.


Reprinted with the permission of France Levasseur-Ouimet, PhD, from Levate Oculos: En Hommage aux Pères et aux Frères Oblats de Marie-Immaculée de Saint-Jean 1908-2008 [Raise Up Our Eyes: An Homage to the Fathers and Brothers of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate of Saint-Jean, 1908-2008], unpublished manuscript, 2008. Photos are reprinted with the permission of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Grandin Province.

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