>Tardif, Émile (1932-1971)
TARDIF, Émile, was born in the Parish of Notre-Dame d’Ottawa, Ontario on April 28thth, 1903, the son of Télesphore Tardif and Mrie-Laure Côté. He died in Edmonton, Alberta, on February 1st, 1971.
Émile undertook his classical studies at the University of Ottawa (1920-25) and entered the novitiate at Ville-La-Salle on August 1st, 1925, professing on August 2nd, 1926. He continued his studies in the Scolasticat Saint-Joseph in Ottawa (1926-29) and at Lebret, Saskatchewan (1929-32) where he made his perpetual vows on September 8th, 1930. He was ordained a priest on June 28th, 1931 by Mgr James McGuigan, Archbishop of Regina, Saskatchewan.
He served first as a professor at the Juniorat Saint-Jean in Edmonton (1932-33), then, was employed as a vicar at the parish in Saint-Alberta, Alberta (1933-37). He also served as a curate at Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan (1937-45), at Pincher Creek, Alberta (1961-64) and Superior of the District of Brocket (1962-64).
Becoming ill, he was named provincial archivists with a residence at the Maison Saint-Joachim, Edmonton, Alberta (1964-71).
He was buried in the Oblate cemetery in Saint-Albert. According to an obituary in Le Franco-Albertain of February 4th, 1971, heas know as “Mr. History.” 1
Reprinted with the permission of Les Archives Deschâtelets and the publisher from Gaston Carriere, o.m.i., Dictionnaire de Marie Immaculée au Canada, tome III (Ottawa: Éditions de l’Université d’Ottawa, 1979), pp 213-14.
1. Fr Tardif was 'Mr History' for Oblates, in Western Catholic Reporter [Edmonton], February 14, 1971, p. 1; Décès du R.P. Emile Tardif. o.m.i., in Le Franco-Albertain [Edmonton], 4 février 1971.
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