Guibert, Henri (1956-1975)
GUIBERT, Henri, was born at Loupfougères (Mayenne), France, on February 11th, 1885, the son of François Guibert and Marie Taupin, farmers. He died at Saint-Albert, Alberta, on August 26th, 1975.'
Fr Guibert studied at the juniorat of Pontmain (1896-1901), and entered the Novitiate of Angers on December 7th, 1901 made his profession on December 8th, 1902. He made his perpetual vows at Saddle Lake Alberta, on December 8th, 1908.
He worked initially at Notre-Dame de Talence (1902-1903), at the Scolasticat of Liège (1903-1904) and at the headquarters in Rome (1904-1906). He was then sent to the Canadian West, where he worked at Saddle Lake (1906-1917), Saint-Paul (1917) and Hobbema (1917-1955), all in Alberta. He was the printer of the Cree-language review Kitcitwa miteh Atchimomasinakigamissa. He then went to the collège Saint-Jean in Edmonton (1955-1956), before retiring to Saint-Albert (1956-1975).
In 1972, he received the Order of Merit from the Government of France.
Fr Guibert is buried in the Oblate cemetery at Saint-Albert.1
Reproduit avec la permission des Archives Deschâtelets et de l’éditeur Gaston Carriere, o.m.i., Dictionnaire des Oblats de Marie Immaculée au Canada, tome II (Ottawa: Éditions de l’Université d’Ottawa, 1979), pp 122.
1. Le Fréré Henri Guibert, o.m.i., dans Le Franco-Albertain, 3 septembre 1975, p.3.
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This project has been supported in part by the Canada-Alberta Agreement on French-language Services; the opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the Governments of Canada or Alberta.
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Institut pour le Patrimoine, Campus Saint-Jean, University of Alberta
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