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Western Oblate Studies

This is a series of conference proceedings (five volumes) that focused attention on the Congregation, beginning in 1989 and continuing to1999.  Articles are reprinted with the permission of the authors and publishers. The volumes are as follows:

Western Oblate Studies 1Western Oblate Studies 1

Raymond Huel (Ed.). Western Oblates Studies 1/ Etudes Oblates De L'Ouest 1: Proceedings of the First Symposium on the History of the Oblates in Western and Northern Canada. Faculté Saint-Jean, Edmonton, 18-19 mai/May 1989. Edmonton: Western Canadian Publishers and Faculté Saint-Jean, University of Alberta, 1990.

Western Oblate Studies 1Western Oblate Studies 2

Raymond Huel (Ed.). Western Oblate Studies 2/ Etudes Oblates De L'Ouest 2: Proceedings of the Second Symposium on the History of the Oblates in Western and Northern Canada. Faculté Saint-Jean, Edmonton, 22-23 juillet/July 1991. The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter, 1992

Western Oblate Studies 1Western Oblate Studies 3

Huel, Raymond (Ed.). Western Oblate Studies 3/ Etudes Oblates De L'Ouest 3: Proceedings of the Third Symposium on the History of the Oblates in Western and Northern Canada. Faculté Saint-Jean, Edmonton, 14-15 mai/May 1993/Edmonton: Western Canadian Publishers, 1994.


Western Oblate Studies 1Western Oblate Studies 5

Raymond Huel (Ed.).Western Oblate studies 5/ Etudes Oblates De L'Ouest 5: Proceedings of the fifth Symposium on the History of the Oblates in Western and Northern Canada.  Centre culturel franco-manitobain, Winnipeg, 27-29 mai/May, 1999. Winnipeg: Presses universitaires de Saint-Boniface, 2000.

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