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Gisella Biollo in her profile of
Guiseppe and Filomena
Michetti, Rudolph
Michetti's parents, writes:
November 25, 1925-Pietro Colbertaldo [from Edmonton],
Antonio Rebaudengo and Gafolla from the Fascist headquarters
in Calgary, came to Venice and the fascio de Venice was
officially organized. It was like a club where the
members met once in a while as a get-together with never any
harm done. Although the organization was allowed in
peace time, during the war it was considered a threat to the
October 10, 1940-O.J. Biollo, a member of the
Fascist Party, was arrested by R.C.M.P. Corporal Fielding
and sent to concentration camp without trial to Kananaskis,
near Calgry, for a while and then to Petawawa, Ontario,
where he stayed eleven months.
December 13, 1940-Rudolf Michetti, President of the
Fascio of Venice, his father Joe Michetti, who was taken
from a sick bed after an operation,
Efisio Manca
A. Marini, who were also members, were arrested by Corporal
Fielding and sent to Edmonton, where they had a trial.
By now, the government had changed the laws for the R.C.M.P.
where they could not send a man to concentration camp
without a trial. All came back except Rudolf Michetti,
who is sent to Kananaskis and then to Petawawa, Ontario,
where he stayed ten months, leaving a pregnant wife and five
children with no support, in poverty. 1
While the shadow of Fascism and internment touched the
community, many young men joined the military and served their
country. During the war, some worked at the pilot
Abasands Oil facility, before going into the military.
On their return, they looked for work on the railways and the
emerging petroleum industry. Working six months on the
farm and the rest on the railways, construction and other
industry was common. The core Italian families remained
in the community with many of the older people going to
Edmonton in retirement.
As the years passed, many new families moved in
and settled
in the Hylo area. The majority of these newcomers were
Ukrainian and they slowly filled the vacant homesteads left by
many of the Italian families who had settled and struggled to
make a living through farming only to return to Italy or relocate to
the United States. Many of the Ukrainians that had come to Hylo had lost their land, machinery and assets in central
Alberta. When the Depression hit, they were no longer able to
make payments and the banks and the railway repossessed their
lands and machinery. [<<previous]
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