Associazione Scrittori, Scrittrici Italo-Canadesi Anno 3 Numero 12 Dicembre 1986 An Open Letter from the President In September a national conference of Italian-Canadian writers was hosted in Vancouver by the Italian Cultural Centre. At the end of this very successful five-day conference the writers decided to form an Association of Italian-Canadian Writers with a broad national representation. The writers felt that there was a very strong need for this association. I am still surprised that we have an association. In the years that I have been dealing with Italian-Canadian writers I have come to know. many of them as very individualistic persons. In addition to this, writers tend to work alone. Not only are Italian-Canadian writers scattered across the continent but they publish in three languages: English, French and Italian. Given this diversity, the last thing I expected was the founding of an association. Maybe I have also been influenced by the rugged individualism of the prairies? I was honoured to be chosen to serve as president of the association from 1986 to 1988. The association has been established. It is the creation of the writers themselves, and appears to have broad support. These writers are sending in their membership fees and letter of congratulations. With regional representatives across the country the association is designed to unite the writers but also to recognize their individual differences. One of the ways of doing this is through this newsletter. Many of the writers have participated in readings, tours, book launchings and symposia in different parts of Canada. Some have been fortunate enough to attend the Rome conference in 1984 and/or the Vancouver one in 1986. They have seen that they have recognition and encouragement outside Toronto or Montreal. We hope that the association can build upon this general support. We need the continued co-operation of a large membership and aid from the general community. We are concerned with the development of a larger and more diversified audience for our books. The main purpose of the association is to support the work and the interests of Italian-Canadian writers. If anyone would like more information about AICW they can write to me at 12503-39A Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta. T6J OP4 cordiali saluti |