George Pocaterra b.1882 in Rocette (sp?), Italy - a new town in which he
was the first boy to be born
came from aristocratic background
father was a high executive in the textile industry in Ferrari, Italy
George wanted adventure in new land; at 20 years of age in 1903, arrived
in Winnipeg
describes early life of George in Italy (very anecdotal); school in
Berne, then Bradford, England to learn about wool for
future at family-owned Manuficci-Rossi (sp?) Mills.
when George was on a train going back to Italy from his studies, he
chanced to meet a Canadian clergyman & was able to help
him with a language difficulty
George had already been enamored of Canada in his readings about it & now
he had a contact & acquaintance there
in 1903 he went to visit Rev. Robert E. Spence in Glenborough, Manitoba
(near Winnipeg) who got him a job on a large farm owned
by the Steel brothers, Scotsmen.
but "where was the romance?", so George went off to the "Real West" - the
Rocky Mountains, where he had the "real" life working on
the Bar D Ranch in the High River area of Alberta (very
entertaining retelling)
repeat of "Arizona Frank" tale that Giorgio mentioned in his speech
friendship with Walter Baker
went on horseback riding holiday to "virgin" land at the confluence of
Highwood River, and Black & Sullivan creeks. Thought it was paradise and wanted to settle there.
poker story
sent for cousin from Italy to join him