the Book | Introduction
| Chronology
| Santa Maria
Goretti Parish | Acknowledgements
The creation of the Italians Settle in Edmonton Historical Society and publication of this booklet would not have been possible without the assistance and encouragement of various persons and organizations which we wish to acknowledge.
Alberta Culture, Congress of Italian Canadians, Edmonton District, Secretary of State, Multiculturalism Canada, Provincial Archives of Alberta, Santa Maria Goretti Parish, Alberta Cultural Heritage Foundation
Giuseppe Albi, Father Augusto Feccia, Mr. David Goa, Rudolph Vecoli, Ph.D., Mr. Jim Parker
Individuals Interviewed:
Mr. Raffaele Albi, Mr. Augusto Aloisio, Mr. and Mrs. Luigi Biamonte, Mr. and Mrs. Enrico
Butti, Mr. and Mrs. Domenico Chiarello, Reverend Father Arduino
D'Apollonia, Mr. and Mrs. Agostino Dotto, Mr. Gus Lavorato, Mr. and Mrs. Tony
Nimis, Mr. Giovanni Paron, Mr. Luigi Protti, Mrs. L. Raffin, Mr. Salvatore Scrivano
Society Members:
Rita Arnieri, Anna Maria Bruni, Tony Caria, Ph.D., Rita Cavaliere, Adriana Albi Davies, Ph.D., Tony
Falcone, Father Augusto Feccia, Philip Fiorillo, Carmela Marino, Mario
Rizzuto, Severina Rossi, Joe Russo, Frank Sdao, Teresa Sdao, Josephine
Sibilani, Alessandro Urso
A Historical Resources Project
This project, the brainstorm of Father Augusto
Feccia, was begun in conjunction with the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Santa Maria Goretti Parish. It is with this in mind that the members of the Italians Settle in Edmonton Historical Society dedicate this booklet, the first tangible result of our efforts, to Santa Maria Goretti Parish.
The idea to recount the history of the Italian community of Edmonton is not a new one but one which to date has not been realized. The members of the Society feel that it is worthy of the immense efforts and resources needed to realize this goal. On April 14, 1983, we formally incorporated ourselves as a non-profit society and set the following objectives:
- to record the history of the Italian Community in the Greater Edmonton area
- to use material gathered to generate pride in keeping with Canada's policy of multiculturalism
- to inform society at large of the experiences, contributions and aspirations of Italian-Canadians
- to make available archival materials to municipal and provincial departments
- to provide an educational resource for the study of the history of the City of Edmonton and the Province of Alberta
- to publish whatever materials are of general interest.
Achievement of these objectives depends on you, the Italian Community at large. We wish to listen to your stories and experiences in the New World; we wish to obtain copies of your photographs, artifacts and other interesting memorabilia. Everyone and everything is significant. The information and materials you provide will assist us in recounting our past, our history, our very lives.
Membership of our Society is open and we welcome the efforts of any
person who finds our objectives of interest.
Frank Sdao
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