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Proclaiming the Gospel to the Indians and the Métis

Proclaiming the Gospel to the Indians and the MétisThis seminal book by Raymond Huel provides a comprehensive picture of the work of the Oblates in the West. It was published by the University of Alberta Press and Western Canadian Publishers in 1996. The following chapters are reprinted with the permission of the author and publisher.

Chapter 1: The French Antecedents – This chapter explores the history of the founding of the order and how the Missionary Oblates earned the accolade “specialists in difficult missions” in France.

Chapter 10: The Oblates as “Fathers, Guides and Protectors” of Aboriginal Communities – This Chapter explores how the close contact between the missionaries and Aboriginal and Métis Peoples sensitized them to their plight. The Oblates served as intermediaries and advocates with fur traders and also the often uncaring government bureaucracy.

Chapter 12: The Oblate Apostolate 100 Years Later - This Chapter examines the changing role of the Oblates in their lengthy service to Aboriginal communities. Huel moves from the Mission Era to the Oblate’s involvement in residential schools and their efforts to improve conditions. As well, the conflict with the federal government is documented.


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            For more on Missionary Oblates in Western Canada, visit Peel’s Prairie Provinces.

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