Native and Non-Native Voices on the Residential School Issue and Historical Revisionism: Writing Between the Times
Native and Non-Native Voices on the Residential School Issue and Historical Revisionism: Writing Between the Times
Wayne A. Holst
University of Calgary
Calgary (Alberta)
1. (Back to Article) See "Lawsuits threaten church's future," Anglican Jot/mal lead headline, vol. 125, no. 4, April, 1999, p. 1.
2. (Back to Article) Oblate archives are located elsewhere in Canada. Note, for example the collection of Grandin Province at St. Albert, Alberta.
3. (Back to Article) Note comments by Hare Indians regarding possible changes in education policy in the NWT, 1946. Document 28, p. 57: "The present system of education approved by the dominion government [... j is satisfactory to us and no change whatsoever is either desired or will be accepted by us. We are all Catholics and we want the schools for our children to be of Catholic doctrine, to be taught by Catholic teachers."
4. (Back to Article) Delgamuukw, cultural leader, also known as Earl Muldoe, was one of numerous Native appellants in the case. Complete case ruling (66 pages) see
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This project has been supported in part by the Canada-Alberta Agreement on French-language Services; the opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the Governments of Canada or Alberta.
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