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Egg Candling and Weighting Apparatus (Patent No: 643477)

Inventor: Bjorge, Alfred

Location: Edmonton

Comments: N/A

The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:

1. In an egg weight scale and egg candling device, an enclosure, a beam mounted pivotally in the enclosure with one end thereof extending outside the enclosure and the opposite end lying within the enclosure, an egg ring on the end of the beam outside the enclosure and an electrical contact at the end of the beam within the enclosure, a plurality of electrical contacts mounted within the enclosure and in position to be contacted by the electrical contact at the end of the beam, spring means reacting between the beam and the enclosure to normally hold the electrical contact at the end of the beam out of contact with the plurality of electrical contacts, a plurality of differently colored lights mounted on the enclosure and visible from the exterior of the enclosure, electrical connections from each one of the contacts in the plurality of contacts to one of the differently colored lights, a source of electrical energy, and electrical connections from the source of electrical energy to the differently colored lights and to the beam whereby movement of the beam about its pivotal connection to connect the electrical contact at the end of the beam with on of the plurality of contacts will light one of the lights, an opening in the enclosure adjacent the egg ring at the end of the beam, an egg candling lamp mounted within the enclosure to project light through the opening and connections from the egg candling lamp to the source of electrical energy.

2. The apparatus as claimed in Claim 1 and means to control the intensity of the light from the egg candling lamp.

BISHOP, McKENZIE & CO. Barristers & Solicitors
303 Alexandra Building, Edmonton, Alberta.
Patent Agents of the Applicant


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