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Vapour Air Intensifiers (Patent No: 210865)

Inventor: Doering, Frank Frederick William

Location: Taber

Comments: N/A

Description: Frank Frederick William Doering, Taber, Alberta, Canada, 26th April, 1921; 6 years. Filed 10th August, 1920. Receipt No. 333,723

Claim.—1. The combination with a radiator having an overflow pipe, and the carburetor of an engine of a three-way valve located between the carburetor and the radiator and connected thereto by conduits, means for actuating the valve, and air pipes extending through the to»p of the radiator and terminating at the lower end adjacent lo the normal water level in the radiator.

2. The combination claimed in claim 1 in which a vapour chamber is provided in the radiator, and means for connecting the vapour chamber to a conduit connected to the three-way valve.

3. The combination with a radiator or cooling tank having air inlet pipes and a carburetor for air engines, of a three-way valve, a conduit connecting the valve to the radiator, a vapour chamber on the radiator having an inner wall forming a passageway with the outer wall, a conduit communicating with the passageway and a flexible conduit connecting the said conduit with the three-way valve.

Claims allowed, 6


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