Mrs. Doyle was born in 16th September, 1915 in Edmonton, the first baby born to the agricultural settlement established by Italians led by Consular Agent Felice DeAngelis and her Father, Olivo Giovanni Biollo (or Billos in DeAngelis' diary) in Venice, Alberta. Mr. Biollo was born in
Campolongo Maggiore near Padova on May 27, 1883 and came to Canada when he was 19. He was hired by labour agents to work on the Transcontinental Railway Line and worked off his passage. He was entrepreneurial and appears to have lost and made money. Mrs. Doyle became a schoolteacher and taught in various parts of Alberta for 38 years until her retirement. She wrote the family history for the Hylo-Venice Harvest of Memories local history book.
The interview was conducted by Adriana Albi Davies, Ph.D., Executive Director, and David Ridley, Director of Research and Learning, Heritage Community Foundation on July 2, 2002, as a part of the
Celebrating Edmonton's Italian Community Oral History Project,
funded by the Edmonton Community Lottery Board.
The Biollo Doyle Family Photo Album
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