by Adriana Albi Davies, Ph.D.
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Mazzuca provide two important pieces of information pertaining
to the local fraternal societies. One was a photocopy of the charter
of the Ordine Indipendente Fior d'Italia [OIFDI, Independent
Order of the Flower of Italy], Lethbridge, dated May 1st,
1922, issued in Fernie. The other was a photograph, likely, of a 1926 meeting in Lethbridge that may have
included members from the other BC/Alberta Lodges. The
formation of the Loggia probably was directly related to a
strike that broke out in 1922.
Treasured Heritage: A History of Coalhurst and District
provides a description of the town in the 1930s. It's a
dusty, sprawling prairie town where most of the men make their
living from the mines. For a time, its population exceeded
that of Lethbridge, according to Our Treasured Heritage.
From this description, it is clear that while many Italian men
continued to work in the mines, others had established
themselves in retail and other occupations. Reference is made
to the following:
- Saboro's store, which sold dry goods, groceries and
meat on the south side of main street
- The slaughterhouse and a garage owned by Dominic Tedesco
who became a building contractor after leaving Coalhurst; he
is said to have had a row of houses (not mine company owned)
next to the schools

- The Pavan general store, a dry goods store and meat
market, also on main street with its lady butcher Inez Cattoi;
Mr. Pavan also had a slaughterhouse
- The flour mill run by Louis Locatelli which burned down
and was rebuilt
- There was the Berlando dairy, operated by Albina Berlando
with the help of her four children from a farm outside
Everything changed utterly as a result of the mine
explosion that happened on December 9, 1935. The explosion
destroyed the business district and, as a result of the mine
closure, much of the population left to seek work elsewhere.
But this is the economic point of view; a much more personal
view is that expressed by Anne (Ermacora) Van Vreumingen. She
notes that 16 men died, among them her Father Angelo, and
It was hard on all those families, most of them our
friends. It was not like today, where the Companies make
provisions for the widows. However, the Mining Company offered
to buy clothing for the families that lost their breadwinners.
They sent us to the Hudson Bay Company in Lethbridge, where we
were fitted with black funeral clothing. The write-up in the
"Lethbridge Herald" tells only part of the story! We all
suffered deeply, there were only 2 girls left on the farm and
poor mother was not able to keep it. It was all too much for
her and she sold the farm, for little money, to the Wesselman
family. Mother and the 2 girls moved to Kimberley, where
Hector and Bertha lived. She received a widow's pension of
35 dollars per month, hardly enough to live on. Mother was 57
years old by then and was plagued by arthritis.