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     Giovanni Paron  > Oral History Transcript 

    Giovanni Paron: Oral History Transcript 

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Raffaele Albi

Mr. and Mrs.
Enrico Butti

Mr. & Mrs.
Domenico Chiarello
(Nella Anselmo)

Gus & Assunta Dotto
(Emilia Raffin)

 Attilio & Stella Gatto

Gus Lavorato

Giovanni Paron

Mr. & Mrs. Sartor

Sam Scrivano

Silvio Tona

Paolo Veltri

  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Page 6 | 7 | 8

Ms. M: Carmela Marino
Mr. P: Giovanni Paron
Ms. B: Anna Bruni

Ms. M:

Did your wife like Canada?

Mr. P:

Oh yeh.

Ms. M:

She liked Canada.

Mr. P:

Oh yeh.

Ms. M:

She never wanted to go back to Italy?

Mr. P:

Oh no.

Ms. M:

You didn't want to go back to Italy either:

Mr. P:

No, no. I don't like Italy. Italy is all right but I don't like the system.

Ms. M:

You don't like the system. No order.

Mr. P:


Ms. M:

You like order.

Mr. P:

Yeh, yeh.

Ms. M:

Do you have any family still in Italy?

Mr. P:

I got no more now.

Ms. M:

Just one sister in Belgium.

Mr. P:

In Belgium, that all.

Ms. M:

That's it.

Mr. P:

Just me and her in the family living.

Ms. M:

Did your mother ever come to Canada?

Mr. P:

No, no.

Ms. B:

Who called your brother to come to Canada the first time? How did he come here?

Mr. P:

In those days, the immigration was open and McDonald, he was the Prime Minister at that time in Canada, and there was open for immigration and my brothers, they went to work in the railroad, from Winnipeg up to the coast. That way.

Ms. B:

So, your brothers then, they came to Canada because the immigration was open.

Mr. P:

That's it, ah ha. Those days, to come in Canada, not just come one or two, maybe fifty at a time.

Ms. M:

Did your son learn to play the trumpet like you.

Mr. P:

I start to play just that day I got to Michel.

Ms. M:

No, your son?

Mr. P:

Oh, no, he don't play.

Ms. M:

He doesn't play.

Mr. P:


Ms. M:

I see. When your son was going to school, did you have, was there any problems with the school?

Mr. P:

No, no. I have no trouble at all with the boy. I tell you one thing, why I really move out of Saskatchewan, I move out of there because the things didn't go very good, didn't get good company. I say I want to get him out of there.

Ms. M:

It was bad company?

Mr. P:

Not so good.

Ms. M:

Not so good.

Mr. P:

So, I got him out and I made a man out of him.

Ms. M:

That's good.

Mr. P:

Oh, Scrivano know him pretty good and Butti know him pretty good.

Ms. M:

Did your son get married here?

Mr. P:

Yeh. I tell you, my son married a Ukranian girl and we want him to get married in the Catholic church and she says no, I am Orthadoc, I want to be married in an Orthadoc church. Well, it just the same. Two years after, he use typewriter all the time, and she ask me, daddy, she say, do you give me your typewriter and ...Society. Sure, I say. I lend it to her and I find out after, you know what it was, Jahova Witness. Oh, dear me, I got mad. After that I say, give me my typewriter back.

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