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Alberta's Estonian history begins with its pioneers. During the last few years of the 19th century and the first two decades of the 20th century, Estonians homesteaded in Alberta in search of cheap, available land. Learn about pioneering life and how Estonian families shaped Alberta's development in the coming years.

Estonian pioneers enter a float in a parade at Eckville, Alberta to celebrate Alberta's 50th anniversary as a province from 1905-1955. A plaque commemorates the Estonian pioneers who settled in the Medicine Valley area of Alberta, including Gilby, Alberta and Eckville, Alberta. Eckville Co-operative Association's 50th annual meeting brochure of 1963. Many Estonian pioneers were involved in the Association's business and social activities. August Liivam presents a scroll to M. Posti, Mayor of Eckville in 1980, with names of Estonian settlers in Medicine Valley area of Alberta.

Alberta's Estonian Heritage