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The Province of Alberta gives $33 Million for Centennial Legacies

The Heritage Community Foundation receives $1 Million for the Alberta On-Line Encyclopedia! “not all funding went to bricks-and-mortar projects*”

The Heritage Community Foundation has risen to the Government of Alberta's challenge for excellence in legacy projects and will be receiving $1,000,000 to develop the Alberta Online Encyclopedia.

The Encyclopedia will bring Alberta—past, present and future—to every Albertan, Canadian and user of the World Wide Web. This fully searchable website, www.albertasource.ca, will be developed utilizing content from the extensive base of 29 Heritage Community Foundation websites.

The Heritage Community Foundation, established in 1999, has emerged as the primary content provider on the World Wide Web for Alberta heritage, community identity and pride, and public education. Alberta’s centenary has provided the opportunity to showcase Alberta in all of its majesty using this technology and will be a primary content provider for Alberta’s Supernet.

The Foundation is also implementing its A to Z Campaign, a fundraising initiative, designed to sustain the Alberta Online Encyclopedia and keep it growing and current for generations to come.

*Edmonton Journal, October 2, 2004

For more information and/or interviews contact:
Adriana Davies Ph.D. Executive Director,
Heritage Community Foundation
P: 780-424-6512 x 222
F: 780-424-6579
E: adriana.davies@heritagecommunityfdn.org
W: www.albertasource.ca